
Nominations Open for the Victorian Honour Roll of Women

March 22, 2024 10:16 am in by
Credit: Hinterhaus Productions via Getty Images.

It’s time to recognise the women who have made outstanding contributions to Victoria.

Nominations for induction to the Victorian Honour Roll of Women are open until 5 May.

Since it began in 2001, almost 750 women from across the state have been inducted into the roll for their contributions to the community and fields including science, art, environment, law, social justice, research, health, media and education.

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Last year’s Honour Roll inductees included former Australian Sex Discrimination Commissioner, Kate Jenkins, and world-leading researcher into malaria and infectious diseases Wai-Hong Tham.

Two former inductees, Monash Emeritus Professor Marilyn Fleer and Aishwarya Kansakar, have since gone on to collaborate on a world-first initiative that engages young girls and preschool children with STEM concepts. The initiative will be rolling out at pre-schools across Victoria from later this year.

Minister for Women, Natalie Hutchins, says “The Victorian Honour Roll of Women is providing a real opportunity for women already achieving great things to have an even greater impact.”   

“The almost 750 Honour Roll inductees serve as inspiring role models for women across Victoria, as we strive for gender equality in our workplaces and across our society.”

“I’d encourage all Victorians to take note of the nominations link and put forward a woman they know who is having an incredible impact on their own communities.”

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The Government is asking for community members to nominate women who were either born in Victoria, who have spent a considerable part of their life here, or who have made a significant contribution to our state so that their outstanding and lasting contributions can be recognised.

Nominations close on 5 May. Full criteria are available online at
